lundi 17 décembre 2007

I'm Jonas Martin, I'm 15 years old and I live in Geneva. I play soccer in "Servette de Genève". I have practised this sport since I was 6. First, I played for F.C. Veyrier-Sports and now I play for "Servette de Genève". I'm defender. I play with Thomas Travasa, Luca Piccirello (Picc), Fred Elegarde, Romain Spicher and Tony Iglésias. Thomas and Romain are midfield defensive, Fred is midfield offensive, Tony is striker and Luca is goalkeeper. We are a good team, but we are 5th in the championship. My coach is very hard, but I like that. His name is Alfredo Mosca. I train five times a week and six times with the match. On Thuesdays and Wednesdays the trainings are very hard, but on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays this is easy. My project for the futur is to go in " M18" and after perhaps in first team.